My Love of Soil: From the Desk of MALT’s Soil Scientist

March 12, 2019

Here at MALT we’re not afraid to get our hands dirty when it comes to protecting farmland forever. That’s why we have a soil scientist on staff.

Read this piece from Jonathan Wachter to why improving soil quality is such an important part of the conservation work that we do.

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Red-Legged Frogs and MALT-Protected Farmland

March 3, 2019

Protecting farmland from development means preserving habitat for wildlife. We recently conducted a survey to ensure MALT-protected land is continuing to support and protect the red-legged frog.

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Marin’s Love Affair With Dairy

February 5, 2019

If there’s anything that can be considered an iconic symbol of West Marin, it has to be the Happy Cows. Take a look at the history of dairy in Marin and how cows are deeply tied into MALT’s work in protecting farmland forever.

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Black Mountain: After the Fire

January 3, 2019

See first-hand how the resilient landscapes of MALT-protected property, Black Mountain, recover from a fire.

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Little Wing Farm: A Growing Investment

December 15, 2018

Little Wing Farm came to MALT with a challenge: how could the farm expand its operations to meet the community’s demand?

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Stewardship Spotlight: Moore Ranch

December 2, 2018

Moore Ranch is an important part of Marin’s rich agricultural history. When they needed a new fence, the Moore family, MALT and the Marin RCD partnered on a stewardship project that would host a variety of conservation benefits.

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Conservation Team

Meet Our Conservation Team

November 20, 2018

Helping landowners take good care of over 52,000 acres is a big job, and all of our successes are thanks to an incredible conservation team. Meet the people who make our conservation work possible.

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How to Set Up a Fundraiser on Facebook for MALT

November 3, 2018

Interested in helping protect Marin’s farmland forever with something as simple as creating a post on Facebook? Now you can.

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Victory: MALT Rescues Land from Hands of Developers, Creating Permanent Home for Two Local Farmers

October 30, 2018

Millerton Creek Ranch was at risk of subdivision and development. We’re now returning that land to farming–forever.

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Birds Among the Bulls: The Connection Between Sustainable Grazing and Conservation

October 23, 2018

Here in Marin County, there’s something we’ve known for years: environmental conservation and successful farming and ranching go hand in hand. Take a look at why sustainable grazing benefits our land and our community.

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