Women’s Work

Edible Marin & Wine Country

May 23, 2018

Women’s work at kitchen tables has always been more than making meals. As a child, sitting at or under many a kitchen table, I observed the power in the way that women listened, formed relationships, built community and solved problems. It was at one such kitchen table, the one belonging to Ellen and Bill Straus…

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Report: America is losing its best farmland

San Francisco Chronicle

May 8, 2018

“The Greenbelt Alliance estimates that 217,000 acres of agricultural land in the greater Bay Area have been lost to development in the past three decades. The Marin Agricultural Land Trust is one local organization that tries to counter that development by creating easements that have preserved more than 51,000 acres of county land [sic] for…

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Looking to the Land to Mitigate Climate Change

Saving Land Magazine (Land Trust Alliance)

March 6, 2018

The accredited Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT) in California helped launch the Marin Carbon Project (MCP) to see whether improved agricultural management practices, such as managed grazing and spreading compost on rangeland, could help soil take up more atmospheric CO2.

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Marin provides $1.3 million to help protect ranch

Marin Independent Journal

December 14, 2017

Article about the planned Furlong Ranch easement. Mentions each past Measure A easement by name. Measure A and MALT contributions are put into simple terms. Establishes urgency in rising land values and landowner succession issues. Jamison Watts and Jeff Stump are quoted.

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