Our mission at the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT) is to “protect Marin County’s agricultural land for agricultural use.” To achieve this goal, we partner with the region’s farming and ranching community in the protection and stewardship of this working landscape—we’re in this together.
Healthy soils, clean water, and biodiversity are essential for the wellbeing of the entire region. Tending to these working lands is beneficial for all Marin County residents—wild, domestic, and human—and there has never been a more important time for our work to thrive.
Since our organization’s founding, we have protected more than 58,917 acres of farmland with agricultural conservation easements. But these legal agreements are just one of the many tools utilized to support our agricultural community.
MALT offers the following assistance:
Conservation Easements
We buy agricultural conservation easements from land holders to forever protect their land as farm or ranch land, compensating fairly for this protection. Learn more
Stewardship Assistance Program
Through our Stewardship Assistance Program (SAP), we provide conservation planning expertise and funding to land holders with MALT easements. Learn more
Small Grants Program
Our competitive small grants program offers funding for all Marin County agriculturalists to support our vision of a thriving and inclusive agricultural community in a healthy and diverse natural environment. Learn more
Connecting our Community
MALT acts as a conduit between local government agencies, university cooperative extension offices, federal and university experiment stations, resource conservation districts, California Native American Tribes, and many others to support the economic vitality of local agriculture. Learn more and find other funding opportunities.
Permitted Use Request
Do you have a MALT conservation easement? Some activities require MALT’s approval prior to implementation. Review your easement and submit a permitted use form before installing any new infrastructure like buildings or roads. Contact Tristan Brenner with any questions: (415) 663-1158, ext. 317