MALT Partners With AIM’s Rollin’ Root Mobile Market To Deliver Fresh Produce to Marin City Residents

October 14, 2021

Marin County is one of the richest in the nation, but unfortunately, not all the county’s residents have ready access to fresh, affordable, local food. For 38 years, the Agricultural Institute of Marin (AIM) has helped address this issue by bringing together Marin farmers’ locally produced food and underserved people in the region through farmers’ markets and other programs.

One of these programs is AIM’s popular Rollin’ Root mobile market, which sends a food truck laden with fresh fruits and vegetables to regular weekly stops throughout Marin County. The goal of the Rollin’ Root program is to enable all members of our community to have access to fresh, healthy produce, regardless of their transportation or economic barriers.

Now, MALT has partnered with AIM to specifically serve the residents of Marin City. The vehicle for this partnership? A $5,000 grant by MALT so that Rollin’ Root can add a Marin City stop to its weekly Thursday route, providing farmers’ market produce to Marin City residents experiencing food insecurity. In addition, the new partnership with MALT allows AIM to deliver 10 pre-packed bags of fresh produce each week to the Marin City Health and Wellness Center for distribution to their clients in need.

We know that a healthy local food system depends on everyone having equitable access to fresh food. Decades of economic and racial inequities and policies have created discrepancies in people’s access to fresh food here at home. We must work collectively to undo these discrepancies, and the AIM and MALT partnership is a step in the right direction.

Our two organizations have established a natural and enduring partnership, and we’re pleased to be collaborating on innovative ways to support each other’s missions.

You can support this work by visiting the Rollin’ Root at any of its weekly stops—it’s open to the public! CalFresh is accepted with Market Match of up to $10 per visit. Check out the Rollin’ Root schedule here. Or, make a gift on the AIM website or visit the MALT website to learn more about MALT’s vision for the future or to make a donation to help protect Marin County’s at-risk farmland, forever.

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