The Rollicking Tale of Ellen Straus, Dairy Godmother
This is an invitation-only theatrical event to recognize donors who have supported MALT’s mission for 20+ years.
If you do not meet that criteria or would like to attend a different performance, you can view showtimes, learn more, and purchase tickets directly through
About the Show
“After I’m Dead, You’ll Have to Feed Everyone,” is a daughter’s comical love letter to her immigrant mother, Ellen Straus, a European city kid who found love on a California dairy farm and emerged as one of West Marin’s iconic environmental trailblazer.
“On her deathbed, I promised Mom I’d write my next show about her,” said Vivien. “It took me 20 years but I finally did it!” In her portrayal of her mother and best friend, Vivien combines insightful glimpses into Ellen’s formative life events – fleeing from the Holocaust, witnessing racial injustice, and death-bed conversations about chicken salad – along with Vivien’s own whimsical cow-inspired wisdom and poetry. In a 75-minute mad-cap tribute, Straus portrays 11 characters (10 humans and 1 cow).
Please register for your seat as seats are limited. The performance will be inside the newly renovated historic Straus Home Ranch barn. Join us for a casual cheese reception after the performance to welcome our new Executive Director, Lily Verdone.
Questions? For questions, please contact Harriet Lehmann at or 415-663-1158 ext. 309.