Update: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice at MALT

January 19, 2021

As we step into the new year with renewed energy and focus on the work ahead, we want to provide an update on the commitment we made last summer to advancing MALT’s justice, equity, diversity and inclusion work. We acknowledge that there is still much work to be done in our efforts to build a more just, more inclusive MALT, and that this work will take time.

To date, we have taken the following steps:

  1. MALT is developing internal values with the assistance of a consulting firm. We understand that diversity, equity, inclusion and justice work must start internally in order for us to make a positive and lasting impact externally.
  2. A Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Committee (DEIJ Committee) has been formed to permanently integrate diversity, equity, inclusion and justice into MALT’s programs and the organization itself. The committee currently consists of five board members and four staff members.
  3. DEIJ Committee members have identified and have begun reaching out to peer organizations for guidance; organizations that have completed thorough DEIJ training, planning and integration of these priorities into their work.
  4. In January, the DEIJ Committee will begin the process of selecting a DEIJ consultant firm to lead MALT through the planning process. 

MALT believes that approaching our mission and vision through an inclusive and equitable lens is vital to strengthening our impact moving forward. We are committed to ensuring that this future work is determined and carried out with the guidance of diverse perspectives and experiences, and we will be reaching out to the broader community for input. We will provide semiannual updates to inform our supporters of our progress. 

If you have any questions or would like a more detailed update on the DEIJ Committee, you can contact Tristan Conway tconway[at]malt.org. We would be delighted to hear from you!

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